Monday, November 28, 2011


Miniature Christmas Bear Giveaway! Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday Season. To celebrate... I am offering Belle & Jingle as a fun way to thank those who visit my Facebook page. If you share my page you will get a second entry. Giveaway ends 12.5.2011 at 4 pm. Winner will be announced at after 4.15 pm.

to Enter go to my facebook page..Like the post about the giveaway and you will be entered! Second entry if you SHARE the post!
Facebook page   MadebyAnna      
Link on right!
Thank you for your interest in my little bears!

  • bear mailed first class USA or priority.


  1. такая милая мордашка и такой красивый наряд.куколка такая прикольная-просто невозможно налюбоваться...
